Current courses

Registration Status Key:
  • Opened : Registration on-going
  • Active : On-going session. Only instructors can register students at this point
  • Closed : No current running session or registration
Difficulty level Key:
  • Intermediate : Course will be easy to follow for those with prerequisite and difficult for those without
  • Progressive : Earlier topics will be easier than later topics
  • Easy : It will take a limited amount of effort for anyone to succeed
Course ID Course Title Syllabus Prerequisite Difficulty Level Duration Registration Status Fees
WebDev03-24B Advanced Python and Production Development (Batch B)
  • Part 1:  Python Basics & Advanced topics in Python

    • Week 1: Assignment 1

      • Functions, Map Functions, and Lambda Functions

      • Closures

  • Week 2

    • Functional Programming and Itertools

    • Iterators

    • Generators

  • Week 3: Assignment 2

    • Decorators

    • Metaprogramming 

    • Reflection

  • Week 4

    • Data Structure

    • Collections

  • Week 5: Assignment 3

    • Exception Handling

    • Regular Expressions

  • Week 6

    • Classes

    • Meta Classes

    • Magic Methods

  • Week 7: Assignment 4

    • Multithreading and Multiprocessing

    • Concurrency and Parallelism

    • Persistence and Serialization

Part 1 Quiz

  • Part 2: Environment setup and dependency Management

    • Week 8 : 

      • Using .env file and environment variables

      • Create a poetry project

      • Installing packages with poetry

      • Working with poetry.lock

      • Add poetry to an existing project

  • Week 9 : Assignment 5

    • Flask overview

    • SQL alchemy Overview

    • Bash shell and command line

  • Week 10 

    • AWS Introduction (free tier)

    • Creating your server

    • Server configuration

  • Week 11

    • Understanding Software project specifications

    • Design patterns

      Part 2 Quiz 

  • Part 3: Development Project

    • Week 12: Group project

      • Class project walkthrough

      • Requirement gathering, user stories, and roles

    • Week 13

      • Production development of the class project

    • Week 14

      • Testing & Deployment

    • Week 15

      • Group project walkthrough

    • Week 16 & 17

      • Group project live presentation

    • Week 17

      • Final project

    • Week 18

      • Final Examination

Python, Flask, MySQL difficult 18 weeks USD 70
WebDev02-24B Backend Development with Python and MySQL (Batch B)

Part 1: MySQL Basics

Week 1:  Assignment 1

Lesson 1: Introduction to Relational Database Management System and MySQL (4:57)

Lesson 2: Basic MySQL Queries (4:31)

Week 2: 

Lesson 1: Sorting, Filtering, and aliasing (14:36)

Lesson 2: MySQL Joins (6:47)

Week 3:  Assignment 2
Lesson 1: Grouping Data (7:36)

Lesson 2: Sub-Queries (5:41)

Week 4:

Lesson 1: Modifying Data (11:09)

Lesson 2: Transactions (12:55)

Week 5:  Assignment 3

Lesson 1: Creating a Database and Storage Engines (5:07)

Lesson 2: Tables and Datatypes (9:55)

Lesson 3: Tables and Constraints (5:07)

Week 6: 

Lesson 1: Planning a model based on a form (7:17)

Lesson 2: Model Creation and Foreign Keys (23:15)

Week 7: 

Lesson 1 Modify tables and view (17:01)

Part 1 Quiz

Part 2: Python Basics

Week 8: Assignment 4

Lesson 1: Setting up your python environment (10:25)

Lesson 2: Syntax and comments (5:54)

Lesson 3: Python Variables (10:25)

Week 9:

Lesson 1: Python Datatypes (7:00)

Lesson 2: Python Numbers and Casting (5:13)

Week 10: Assignment 5

Lesson 1:  Strings and String Methods (16:00)

Lesson 2: Logical Operators (11:17)

Lesson 3: Boolean (3:22)

Week 11: 

Lesson 1: Lists (16:49)

Lesson 2: List comprehension and Sorting (9:27)

Lesson 3: Tuples (9:49)

Week 12: Assignment 6

Lesson 1: Sets (9:38)

Lesson 2: Dictionaries (14:34)

Lesson 3: Conditional Statements (6:16)

Lesson 4: Loops (15:18)

Week 13

Lesson 1: Functions (15:57)

Lesson 2: Lambda and User Input (6:35)

Week 14: Assignment 7

Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming and classes (8:23)

Lesson 2: Object Methods and Inheritance (9:46)

Week 15

Lesson 1: Date and maths (9:52)

Lesson 2: Modules (6:03)

Lesson 3: Regex (10:25)

Half Course Break

Week 16 – Assignment 8

Lesson 1: Error Handling in Python (10:24)

Lesson 2: File Handling (8:43)

Week 17 

Lesson 1: More functions (Higher Order functions) – 8:50

Lesson 2: Python Decorators (18:05)

Part 2 Quiz

Part 3: Advanced Concepts and Software Development Projects

Week 18 – Assignment 9 

No new lessons

Week 19

Lesson 1: Managing Resources (9:35)

Lesson 2: Generators (7:14)

Week 20 – Assignment 10

Lesson 1: Introduction to Flask (8:04)

Lesson 2: Routing (8:47)

Week 21 – HTTP Methods, static files, and templates (11:48)

Week 22 – Bonus Assignment and 2 weeks catch up break at the end of week 22

Lesson 1: Jinja Template (14:07)

Lesson 2: register login system with flask and mysql (21:00)

Lesson 3: The basic structure of an HTML 5 document 

Lesson 4: The head element

Lesson 5: The body and formatting element

Lesson 6: Introduction to cascading stylesheets

Lesson 7: CSS colors, text, and font properties

Week 23 – Project Deliverable 1

Lesson 1: SQLAlchemy ORM (Object Relational Mapping) (11:54)

Lesson 2: Model Creation with SQLAlchemy ORM (15:32)

Week 24 – 

Lesson 1: HTML form and input types (15:23) Cont. (15:44)

Lesson 2: More input and other form elements (18:05)

Lesson 3: form attributes (7:55)

Week 25 – Assignment 11

Lesson 1: Planning a model based on a form (11:06)

Lesson 2: Model creation and relationships (12:58)

Week 26 - Project Deliverable 2

Lesson 1: The viewport and the grid view (8:48)

Lesson 2: Media Queries and mobile-first design (8:22)

Lesson 3: The float and grid view page layout (27:37)

Week 27 – Assignment 12

Lesson 1: Stored procedure (7:01)

Lesson 2: Stored procedure Parameters (11:53)

Lesson 3: Stored Procedures Variables (7:07)

Week 28 

Lesson 1: Error Handling in a Stored Procedure (20:02)

Lesson 2: Signal and resignal (10:41)

Lesson 3: Conditional Statements (10:46)

Week 29: Assignment 13, Part 3 Quiz

Lesson 1: Authentication and client profile (37:58)

Lesson 2: Creating the system and debugging (27:35)

Week 30:  Final Examination

  Lesson 1: retrieve data for update (23:09)

Project Deliverable 3

HTML, CSS, JavaScript difficult 30-weeks USD 70
WebDev01-24B Frontend Development with HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript (Batch B)

Part 1: HTML and CSS Basics

Week 1: The basic structure of an HTML 5 document, the head, body, and formatting elements

Week 2: Introduction to cascading stylesheet, CSS colors, text, and font properties.

Week 3: File referencing, Hyperlinks, and Display, HTML Lists

Week 4: CSS Box model, Border, Margin, Padding, height and Width, Background properties

Week 5: Images, Image map and Sprite, Float, Clear, and overflow properties. Position and z-index

Week 6: Tables, Vertical Tables, colspan, rowspan, colgroup, col and caption

Week 7: Forms, Form Elements, and Form Attributes

Week 8: The document language, pseudo classes, and pseudo-elements

Week 9: Part 1 Recap and Quiz.

Part 2: Advanced HTML and CSS

Week 10: The Viewport, grid view, layout elements, the float and grid view layout style

Week 11: The flex layout module, the grid layout module, CSS gradients, Shadows, and Multiple columns

Week 12: HTML entities and Symbols, CSS counters, Multimedia, Iframes, Border Images, Units, Specificity, !important and functions.

Week 13: 2D and 3D Transforms, Transitions and Animations.

Week 14:CLI, git, and GitHub, creating and cloning a repository

Week 15: Introduction to JavaScript, Variables and Operators, Data types and functions


Part 3: JavaScript and Web Development Class Project

Week 16: Scope and Objects, Events and DOM, Strings and String Methods, Searching Strings, Number and Number methods.
Week 17: Array and Array Methods, Sorting, Loops, Iterating Arrays, Dates and date methods.

Week 18: JavaScript classes and Objects, conditional statements, Math, and Sets

Week 19: Maps and regular expressions, form validation, client-side storage

Week 20: Drag and drop, Geolocation

Week 21: Part 3 quiz. Final Examination, final project

Elementary Mathematics progressive 21 weeks USD 50
WebDev03-24A Advanced Python and Production Development (Batch A)

PART 1 – 5 weeks

In part one, we will examine Python topics from the basic foundational level for those without programming experience but with the time and dedication to learn faster. We will examine foundational topics in a little detail and then expand on the topics in part 2 of the course.

For part one, we will have a live web conference via Zoom every week of the class to hold your hands while getting the hang of the basics. The topics discussed in Part 1 are:



Week 1:  Lesson 1 – Setting up your Development Environment

           Lesson 2 – Python Syntax and Comments

           Lesson 3 – Python Variables

           Lesson 4 – Python Datatypes

           Lesson 5 – Strings and Strings Methods.

Live Web Conference 1

Assignment 1



Week 2: Lesson 1 – Python logical operators

          Lesson 2 – Python Boolean

          Lesson 3 – Python Lists

          Lesson 4 – List Comprehension and Sorting

          Lesson 5 – Tuples


Live web conference 2


Week 3: Lesson 1 - Python sets

           Lesson 2 – Python Dictionaries

           Lesson 3 – Conditional Statements

           Lesson 4 – Loops

           Lesson 5 – Functions

Assignment 1 due

Live web conference 3

Assignment 2



Week 4: Lesson 1 – Lambda and User Input

           Lesson 2 – date and math module

           Lesson 3 – Modules

           Lesson 4 – regex

           Lesson 5 – Error Handling in Python


Live web conference 4


Week 5: Lesson 1 – File handling

           Lesson 2 – Higher-order functions

           Lesson 3 – Decorators

           Lesson 4 – managing Resources.

Assignment 2 due

Live web conference 5


Part 1 Quiz

Final Project Specification


Final Project Write-up (ideas, functionalities, terms, and definitions) (2 weeks lessons Break): Deliverable 1 (5 percent of project total)



PART 2: Advanced Python Topics (7 weeks)

In part 2, we will explore Python topics more deeply and expand on some topics discussed in course 1.


Week 6 – Lesson 1: A Deeper Look at Functions in Python

             Lesson 2: Nested Functions, Scope, and Closures

             Lesson 3: Error Handling and Regular Expression


 Final Project Deliverable 1 due

 Assignment 3

 Live Web Conference 6



Week 7 – Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming, Classes, and Objects

             Lesson 2: Meta classes and Magic Methods

             Lesson 3: Meta Programming and Decorators

Live Web Conference 7




Week 8 – Lesson 1: Functional Programming, iterators, and Generators

             Lesson 2: Reflection

             Lesson 3: The Collection Module

Assignment 3 due

Assignment 4

Week 9 – Lesson 1: Multithreading and Multiprocessing

             Lesson 2: Concurrency and Parallelism

             Lesson 3: Persistence and Serialization

Live Web Conference 8

Week 10 – Lesson 1: Introduction to MySQL

              Lesson 2: Filtering, Sorting, and Aggregating Data

              Lesson 3: Joins, Subqueries and Views


Week 11 – Lesson 1: Planning and Creating a database, tables, data types, and constraints.

             Lesson 2: Introduction to Flask

             Lesson 3: SQLAlchemy Overview

             Lesson 4: Creating a project.

Live Web Conference 9

Assignment 4 due

Assignment 5

Week 12 – Lesson 1: AWS Introduction (free tier)

              Lesson 2: Creating and configuring your server.

              Lesson 3: Bash Shell and Command Line

              Lesson 4: Version Control and Creating your CI/CD Pipeline.

Part 2 Quiz

Deliverable 2: Final Project Specification, Requirement Gathering, User stories, and roles. (5 percent of project total)


Part 3: Creating a Project

Week 13 – Lesson 1: using .env files and environment setup.

              Lesson 2: poetry for dependency Management

              Lesson 3: Understanding Software Project Specification and   Design Patterns.

Live Web Conference 10

Assignment 5 due


Week 14 — Lesson 1: Requirement Gathering, User Stories, and Roles for the Pregnancy Registration and Maternal Risk Reporting System.

              Lesson 2: Creating the class project.

              Lesson 3: Creating the templates and front-end of the class project.

Week 15 – Lesson 1: Model Creation of class project.

              Lesson 2: Creating Routes and Form Processing Scripts.

 Project Deliverable 2 due

 Project Deliverable 3: Create your project from the specification. Front-end, routes, and models.


Week 16 & 17: Class project finalization.


Week 18: Final Examination and Project Deliverable 3 due.

Python, MySQL, Flask, HTML, CSS difficult 18-weeks USD 70
WebDev02-24A Backend Development with Python and MySQL (Batch A)

Part 1: MySQL Basics

Week 1:  Assignment 1

Lesson 1: Introduction to Relational Database Management System and MySQL (4:57)

Lesson 2: Basic MySQL Queries (4:31)

Week 2: 

Lesson 1: Sorting, Filtering, and aliasing (14:36)

Lesson 2: MySQL Joins (6:47)

Week 3:  Assignment 2
Lesson 1: Grouping Data (7:36)

Lesson 2: Sub-Queries (5:41)

Week 4:

Lesson 1: Modifying Data (11:09)

Lesson 2: Transactions (12:55)

Week 5:  Assignment 3

Lesson 1: Creating a Database and Storage Engines (5:07)

Lesson 2: Tables and Datatypes (9:55)

Lesson 3: Tables and Constraints (5:07)

Week 6: 

Lesson 1: Planning a model based on a form (7:17)

Lesson 2: Model Creation and Foreign Keys (23:15)

Week 7: 

Lesson 1 Modify tables and view (17:01)

Part 1 Quiz

Part 2: Python Basics

Week 8: Assignment 4

Lesson 1: Setting up your python environment (10:25)

Lesson 2: Syntax and comments (5:54)

Lesson 3: Python Variables (10:25)

Week 9:

Lesson 1: Python Datatypes (7:00)

Lesson 2: Python Numbers and Casting (5:13)

Week 10: Assignment 5

Lesson 1:  Strings and String Methods (16:00)

Lesson 2: Logical Operators (11:17)

Lesson 3: Boolean (3:22)

Week 11: 

Lesson 1: Lists (16:49)

Lesson 2: List comprehension and Sorting (9:27)

Lesson 3: Tuples (9:49)

Week 12: Assignment 6

Lesson 1: Sets (9:38)

Lesson 2: Dictionaries (14:34)

Lesson 3: Conditional Statements (6:16)

Lesson 4: Loops (15:18)

Week 13

Lesson 1: Functions (15:57)

Lesson 2: Lambda and User Input (6:35)

Week 14: Assignment 7

Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming and classes (8:23)

Lesson 2: Object Methods and Inheritance (9:46)

Week 15

Lesson 1: Date and maths (9:52)

Lesson 2: Modules (6:03)

Lesson 3: Regex (10:25)

Half Course Break

Week 16 – Assignment 8

Lesson 1: Error Handling in Python (10:24)

Lesson 2: File Handling (8:43)

Week 17 

Lesson 1: More functions (Higher Order functions) – 8:50

Lesson 2: Python Decorators (18:05)

Part 2 Quiz

Part 3: Advanced Concepts and Software Development Projects

Week 18 – Assignment 9 

No new lessons

Week 19

Lesson 1: Managing Resources (9:35)

Lesson 2: Generators (7:14)

Week 20 – Assignment 10

Lesson 1: Introduction to Flask (8:04)

Lesson 2: Routing (8:47)

Week 21 – HTTP Methods, static files, and templates (11:48)

Week 22 – Bonus Assignment and 2 weeks catch up break at the end of week 22

Lesson 1: Jinja Template (14:07)

Lesson 2: register login system with flask and mysql (21:00)

Lesson 3: The basic structure of an HTML 5 document 

Lesson 4: The head element

Lesson 5: The body and formatting element

Lesson 6: Introduction to cascading stylesheets

Lesson 7: CSS colors, text, and font properties

Week 23 – Project Deliverable 1

Lesson 1: SQLAlchemy ORM (Object Relational Mapping) (11:54)

Lesson 2: Model Creation with SQLAlchemy ORM (15:32)

Week 24 – 

Lesson 1: HTML form and input types (15:23) Cont. (15:44)

Lesson 2: More input and other form elements (18:05)

Lesson 3: form attributes (7:55)

Week 25 – Assignment 11

Lesson 1: Planning a model based on a form (11:06)

Lesson 2: Model creation and relationships (12:58)

Week 26 - Project Deliverable 2

Lesson 1: The viewport and the grid view (8:48)

Lesson 2: Media Queries and mobile-first design (8:22)

Lesson 3: The float and grid view page layout (27:37)

Week 27 – Assignment 12

Lesson 1: Stored procedure (7:01)

Lesson 2: Stored procedure Parameters (11:53)

Lesson 3: Stored Procedures Variables (7:07)

Week 28 

Lesson 1: Error Handling in a Stored Procedure (20:02)

Lesson 2: Signal and resignal (10:41)

Lesson 3: Conditional Statements (10:46)

Week 29: Assignment 13, Part 3 Quiz

Lesson 1: Authentication and client profile (37:58)

Lesson 2: Creating the system and debugging (27:35)

Week 30:  Final Examination

  Lesson 1: retrieve data for update (23:09)

Project Deliverable 3

Frontend Development with HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript difficult 30-weeks USD 70
WebDev01-24A Frontend Development with HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript (Batch A)

Part 1: HTML and CSS Basics

Week 1: The basic structure of an HTML 5 document, the head, body, and formatting elements

Week 2: Introduction to cascading stylesheet, CSS colors, text, and font properties.

Week 3: File referencing, Hyperlinks, and Display, HTML Lists

Week 4: CSS Box model, Border, Margin, Padding, height and Width, Background properties

Week 5: Images, Image map and Sprite, Float, Clear, and overflow properties. Position and z-index

Week 6: Tables, Vertical Tables, colspan, rowspan, colgroup, col and caption

Week 7: Forms, Form Elements, and Form Attributes

Week 8: The document language, pseudo classes, and pseudo-elements

Week 9: Part 1 Recap and Quiz.

Part 2: Advanced HTML and CSS

Week 10: The Viewport, grid view, layout elements, the float and grid view layout style

Week 11: The flex layout module, the grid layout module, CSS gradients, Shadows, and Multiple columns

Week 12: HTML entities and Symbols, CSS counters, Multimedia, Iframes, Border Images, Units, Specificity, !important and functions.

Week 13: 2D and 3D Transforms, Transitions and Animations.

Week 14:CLI, git, and GitHub, creating and cloning a repository

Week 15: Introduction to JavaScript, Variables and Operators, Data types and functions


Part 3: JavaScript and Web Development Class Project

Week 16: Scope and Objects, Events and DOM, Strings and String Methods, Searching Strings, Number and Number methods.
Week 17: Array and Array Methods, Sorting, Loops, Iterating Arrays, Dates and date methods.

Week 18: JavaScript classes and Objects, conditional statements, Math, and Sets

Week 19: Maps and regular expressions, form validation, client-side storage

Week 20: Drag and drop, Geolocation

Week 21: Part 3 quiz. Final Examination, final project

Elementary Mathematics progressive 21 weeks 50 USD
WebDev01-23D Frontend Development with HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript

Part 1: HTML and CSS Basics

Week 1 : The basic structure of an HTML 5 document, the head, body and formatting elements

Week 2: Introduction to cascading stylesheet, CSS colors, text and font properties.

Week 3: File referencing, Hyperlinks and Display, HTML Lists

Week 4: CSS Box model, Border, Margin, Padding, height and Width, Background properties

Week 5: Images, Image map and Sprite, Float, Clear and overfloat properties. Position and z-index

Week 6: Tables, Vertical Tables, colspan, rowspan, colgroup, col and caption

Week 7: Forms, Form Elements, and Form Attributes

Week 8: The document language, pseudo classes and pseudo elements

Week 9 : Part 1 Recap, and Quiz.

Part 2: Advanced HTML and CSS

Week 10 : The Viewport, grid view, layout elements, the float and grid view layout style

Week 11: The flex layout module, the grid layout module, CSS gradients, Shadows and Multiple columns

Week 12: HTML entities and Symbols, CSS counters, Multimedia, Iframes, Border Images, Units, Specificity, !important and functions.

Week 13: 2D and 3D Transforms, Transitions and Animations.

Week 14:CLI, git and GitHub, creating and cloning a repository

Week 15: Introduction to JavaScript, Variables and Operators, Data types and functions


Part 3: JavaScript and Web Development Class project

Week 16: Scope and Objects, Events and DOM, Strings and String Methods, Searching Strings, Number and Number methods.
Week 17: Array and Array Methods, Sorting Arrays, Loops, Iterating Arrays, Dates and date methods.

Week 18: JavaScript classes and Objects, conditional statements, Math and Sets

Week 19: Maps and regular expressions, form validation, client side storage

Week 20: Drag and drop, Geolocation

Week 21 : Part 3 quiz. final Examination, final project

Elementary Mathematics progressive 21 weeks USD 50
WebDev02-23C Backend Development with Python and MySQL

Part 1 : MySQL Basics

Week 1: Introduction to Relational Database Management System, SQL Comments and Operators

Week 2: Querying Data, Sorting Data, Filtering Data, Joining Tables.

Week 3: Grouping Data, Sub-queries.

Week 4: Modifying Data and Transactions

Week 5: Databases, Tables, and Storage Engines

Week 6: More tables and database operations & Set operators

Week 7: Globalization, Import, and Export

Part 1 Quiz

Part 2: Python

Week 8: Introduction to Python,  syntax, comments, variables, and scope

Week 9: Datatypes, number and casting

Week 10: Strings, String formatting, Boolean and Operators

Week 11: Lists, Tuples, Set and Dictionaries

Week 12: Conditional Statements and Loops

Week 13: Functions, Lambda and Arrays

Week 14: Classes, Objects, and Inheritance

Week 15: Dates, Math and Regex

Week 16: Error and File Handling

Week 17: User input, Python Libraries and the flask framework

Week 18: Part 2 Quiz

Part 3 : Software Development Project: Infectious Disease Data Collection and Storage

Week 19: Setting up the development environment

Week 20: MySQL Administration

Week 21/22: MySQL Stored procedure

Week 23/24:MySQL Triggers

Week 25 : MySQL Views and Indexes

Week 26-28 : Class project: Fully Functional Software

Week 29/30 : Final Project (Topic of choice), Part 3 Quiz, Final Examination

HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript intermediate 30-weeks USD 100
WebDev01-23C Frontend Development with HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript

Part 1: HTML and CSS Basics

Week 1 : The basic structure of an HTML 5 document, the head, body and formatting elements

Week 2: Introduction to cascading stylesheet, CSS colors, text and font properties.

Week 3: File referencing, Hyperlinks and Display, HTML Lists

Week 4: CSS Box model, Border, Margin, Padding, height and Width, Background properties

Week 5: Images, Image map and Sprite, Float, Clear and overfloat properties. Position and z-index

Week 6: Tables, Vertical Tables, colspan, rowspan, colgroup, col and caption

Week 7: Forms, Form Elements, and Form Attributes

Week 8: The document language, pseudo classes and pseudo elements

Week 9 : Part 1 Recap, and Quiz.

Part 2: Advanced HTML and CSS

Week 10 : The Viewport, grid view, layout elements, the float and grid view layout style

Week 11: The flex layout module, the grid layout module, CSS gradients, Shadows and Multiple columns

Week 12: HTML entities and Symbols, CSS counters, Multimedia, Iframes, Border Images, Units, Specificity, !important and functions.

Week 13: 2D and 3D Transforms, Transitions and Animations.

Week 14:CLI, git and GitHub, creating and cloning a repository

Week 15: Introduction to JavaScript, Variables and Operators, Data types and functions


Part 3: JavaScript and Web Development Class project

Week 16: Scope and Objects, Events and DOM, Strings and String Methods, Searching Strings, Number and Number methods.
Week 17: Array and Array Methods, Sorting Arrays, Loops, Iterating Arrays, Dates and date methods.

Week 18: JavaScript classes and Objects, conditional statements, Math and Sets

Week 19: Maps and regular expressions, form validation, client side storage

Week 20: Drag and drop, Geolocation

Week 21 : Part 3 quiz. final Examination, final project

Elementary mathematics progressive 21 weeks 40USD / NGN30,000
WebDev02-23B Backend Development with Python and MySQL

Part 1 : MySQL Basics

Week 1: Introduction to Relational Database Management System, SQL Comments and Operators

Week 2: Querying Data, Sorting Data, Filtering Data, Joining Tables.

Week 3: Grouping Data, Sub-queries.

Week 4: Modifying Data and Transactions

Week 5: Databases, Tables, and Storage Engines

Week 6: More tables and database operations & Set operators

Week 7: Globalization, Import, and Export

Part 1 Quiz

Part 2: Python

Week 8: Introduction to Python,  syntax, comments, variables, and scope

Week 9: Datatypes, number and casting

Week 10: Strings, String formatting, Boolean and Operators

Week 11: Lists, Tuples, Set and Dictionaries

Week 12: Conditional Statements and Loops

Week 13: Functions, Lambda and Arrays

Week 14: Classes, Objects, and Inheritance

Week 15: Dates, Math and Regex

Week 16: Error and File Handling

Week 17: User input, Python Libraries and the flask framework

Week 18: Part 2 Quiz

Part 3 : Software Development Project: Infectious Disease Data Collection and Storage

Week 19: Setting up the development environment

Week 20: MySQL Administration

Week 21/22: MySQL Stored procedure

Week 23/24:MySQL Triggers

Week 25 : MySQL Views and Indexes

Week 26-28 : Class project: Fully Functional Software

Week 29/30 : Final Project (Topic of choice), Part 3 Quiz, Final Examination

HTML, CSS, JavaScript intermediate 30 weeks USD 70
WebDev01-23B Programming in HTML 5, with CSS 3 and JavaScript

Part 1: HTML and CSS Basics

Week 1 : The basic structure of an HTML 5 document, the head, body and formatting elements

Week 2: Introduction to cascading stylesheet, CSS colors, text and font properties.

Week 3: File referencing, Hyperlinks and Display, HTML Lists

Week 4: CSS Box model, Border, Margin, Padding, height and Width, Background properties

Week 5: Images, Image map and Sprite, Float, Clear and overfloat properties. Position and z-index

Week 6: Tables, Vertical Tables, colspan, rowspan, colgroup, col and caption

Week 7: Forms, Form Elements, and Form Attributes

Week 8: The document language, pseudo classes and pseudo elements

Week 9 : Part 1 Recap, and Quiz.

Part 2: Advanced HTML and CSS

Week 10: The Viewport, grid view, layout elements, the float and grid view layout style

Week 11: The flex layout module, the grid layout module, CSS gradients, Shadows, and Multiple columns

Week 12: HTML entities and Symbols, CSS counters, Multimedia, Iframes, Border Images, Units, Specificity, !important, and functions.

Week 13: 2D and 3D Transforms, Transitions, and Animations.

Week 14:CLI, git, and GitHub, creating and cloning a repository

Week 15: Introduction to JavaScript, Variables and Operators, Data types and functions


Part 3: JavaScript and Web Development Class Project

Week 16: Scope and Objects, Events and DOM, Strings and String Methods, Searching Strings, Number and Number methods.
Week 17: Array and Array Methods, sorting, Loops, Iterating Arrays, Dates, and date methods.

Week 18: JavaScript classes and Objects, conditional statements, Math, and Sets

Week 19: Maps and regular expressions, form validation, client-side storage

Week 20: Drag and drop, Geolocation

Week 21 : Part 3 quiz. final Examination, final project

Elementary mathematics progressive 21 weeks USD 10
WebDev01-22A Programming in HTML 5, with CSS 3 and JavaScript (22)

Part 1: HTML and CSS Basics

Part 2: Advanced HTML and CSS

Part 3: JavaScript

Elementary Mathematics progressive 21 weeks free
WebDev02-23A Backend Development with Python and MySQL

Part 1 : MySQL Basics

Week 1: Introduction to Relational Database Management System, SQL Comments and Operators

Week 2: Querying Data, Sorting Data, Filtering Data, Joining Tables.

Week 3: Grouping Data, Sub-queries.

Week 4: Modifying Data and Transactions

Week 5: Databases, Tables, and Storage Engines

Week 6: More tables and database operations & Set operators

Week 7: Globalization, Import, and Export

Part 1 Quiz

Part 2: Python

Week 8: Introduction to Python,  syntax, comments, variables, and scope

Week 9: Datatypes, number and casting

Week 10: Strings, String formatting, Boolean and Operators

Week 11: Lists, Tuples, Set and Dictionaries

Week 12: Conditional Statements and Loops

Week 13: Functions, Lambda and Arrays

Week 14: Classes, Objects, and Inheritance

Week 15: Dates, Math and Regex

Week 16: Error and File Handling

Week 17: User input, Python Libraries and the flask framework

Week 18: Part 2 Quiz

Part 3 : Software Development Project: Infectious Disease Data Collection and Storage

Week 19: Setting up the development environment

Week 20: MySQL Administration

Week 21/22: MySQL Stored procedure

Week 23/24:MySQL Triggers

Week 25 : MySQL Views and Indexes

Week 26-28 : Class project: Fully Functional Software

Week 29/30 : Final Project (Topic of choice), Part 3 Quiz, Final Examination

HTML, CSS, JavaScript intermediate 30 weeks USD 70
WebDev01-23A Programming in HTML 5, with CSS 3 and JavaScript

Part 1: HTML and CSS Basics

Week 1 : The basic structure of an HTML 5 document, the head, body and formatting elements

Week 2: Introduction to cascading stylesheet, CSS colors, text and font properties.

Week 3: File referencing, Hyperlinks and Display, HTML Lists

Week 4: CSS Box model, Border, Margin, Padding, height and Width, Background properties

Week 5: Images, Image map and Sprite, Float, Clear and overfloat properties. Position and z-index

Week 6: Tables, Vertical Tables, colspan, rowspan, colgroup, col and caption

Week 7: Forms, Form Elements, and Form Attributes

Week 8: The document language, pseudo classes and pseudo elements

Week 9 : Part 1 Recap, and Quiz.

Part 2: Advanced HTML and CSS

Week 10 : The Viewport, grid view, layout elements, the float and grid view layout style

Week 11: The flex layout module, the grid layout module, CSS gradients, Shadows and Multiple columns

Week 12: HTML entities and Symbols, CSS counters, Multimedia, Iframes, Border Images, Units, Specificity, !important and functions.

Week 13: 2D and 3D Transforms, Transitions and Animations.

Week 14:CLI, git and GitHub, creating and cloning a repository

Week 15: Introduction to JavaScript, Variables and Operators, Data types and functions


Part 3: JavaScript and Web Development Class project

Week 16: Scope and Objects, Events and DOM, Strings and String Methods, Searching Strings, Number and Number methods.
Week 17: Array and Array Methods, Sorting Arrays, Loops, Iterating Arrays, Dates and date methods.

Week 18: JavaScript classes and Objects, conditional statements, Math and Sets

Week 19: Maps and regular expressions, form validation, client side storage

Week 20: Drag and drop, Geolocation

Week 21 : Part 3 quiz. final Examination, final project

Elementary Mathematics progressive 21 weeks USD 10

About Our Programs

At School of Programming and Software Development, we strive to give students an opportunity to explore different courses to find a fit before making a decision to pay to continue. Students can register for different courses without financial commitment and take classes up to 5 weeks before making payment to complete the course, if the course or school is a right fit.

New courses are released every quarter. The courses opened for January to March are listed in the current courses section. Classes are in batches and new registrations for same course for a different batch opens every 5 weeks.

The course fees listed are discounted fees and is a one-time payment to be made after 5 weeks of course evaluation. When opportunities become available, we have paid internship programs for students and past students. Opportunities are competitive but we try to give as much student the opportunity to gain industrial experience.

Payment Information

While all students are allowed to register for free and evaluate each course for 5 weeks before making payment to complete the course, we get that some people prefer to commit their funds early for personal reasons. We only accept payments via direct bank deposit,transfer or paypal for security purposes. To pay via paypal, you must wait to receive an invoice after the course evaluation period. Ensure that your deposit description holds your full name as registered on the school site and the course code for the course you are paying for. Below are the banking information

Bank : First Caribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited, Castries, Saint Lucia
Account Name : Mildred Fakoya
Account Number : 107054058
Bank : Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Account Name : Mildred Fakoya
Account Number : 107025299
Bank : National Bank of Dominica
Account Name : Mildred Fakoya
Account Number : 100071203
Bank : Zenith Bank of Nigeria PLC
Account Name : Mildred Ayeesha Fakoya
Account Number : 2002027658
Note that payment is non-refundable and we prefer you pay after evaluating and verifying that the course is right for you.

After payment, please email your deposit slip to cc. Your account will be updated within 48 hrs of receipt of deposit slip.